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Представляем вопросы и ответы на конкурс Британский бульдог (British Bulldog) за 2009 год для 3-4 классов.  Ответы находятся после вопросов - в конце страницы.



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I. Listen to the text and choose the correct answer


1. She is … .

A) a teacher B) a student C) a worker


2. Her name is … .

A) Jane B) Sue C) Penny


3. She goes to school … .

A) in London B) in a little town C) near London


4. She lives … London .

A) in B) near C) far from


5. She lives with her parents and … .

A) a sister B) two brothers C) a brother


6. Her brother is … .

A) four B) forty C) fourteen


7. She has a … .

A) dog B) dog and a cat C) cat


8. She likes … .

A) playing football B) watching football on TV C) going to a football match


9. … she goes to a football match.

A) Sometimes B) Usually C) Once a week


10. She … .

A) likes sports very much B) doesn't like sports C) hates sports



II. Read the text and choose the correct answer


It's Sunday afternoon and Kate and Sue are at Mary's birthday party. She's eight years old now. Some kids are dancing in the sitting room. Mary is opening a present at the moment. Patrick and Simon are in the kitchen. They are eating chocolate cake. Peter is playing a video game in Mary's bedroom. Kate and Sue like parties very much. Children have a lot of fun at parties.


11. It's … afternoon.

A) Sunday B) Saturday C) Monday


12. The girls are at … birthday party.

A) Sue's B) Mary's C)   Kate's


13. How old is Mary? … .

A) Eight B) Eighty C)   Seven


14. … children are dancing.

A) All B) Some C) Three


15. What is Mary opening? … .

A) The door B) The present C) The box


16. Patrick and Simon are eating … .

A) cake B) sweets C)   biscuits


17. They are in the … .

A) kitchen B) living room C) bedroom


18. Peter is playing … .

A) a game B) the guitar C) a video game


19. Where is Peter? He is in the … .

A) kitchen B) bedroom C) living room


20. Who likes the parties very much? … .

A) Sue and Mary B) The boys C) Sue and Kate



III. Choose the correct answer


21. She likes … new teacher.

A) her B) he C) you


22. There … many animals at the zoo.

A) is B) are C)   was


23. I have got … friends at school.

A) many B) much C) a


24. Look at my new bike. Do you like … ?

A) her B) she C) it


25. Sorry, he is not … home.

A) in B) at C) to


26. … is Sally? She's in the park.

A) Where B) What C) Who


27. Ann … speak English very well.

A) cans B) can C) can to


28. … she watch TV in the morning?

A) Do B) Is C) Does


29. My mother … milk with coffee.

A) not drinks B) not drinking C) doesn't drink


30. Mary … her homework now.

A) do B) does C) is doing



IV. Look at the picture and use the necessary words



31. It's … o'clock.

A) seven B) eight C) nine


32. The clock is on the … .

A) wall B) table C) floor


33. There are … people in the family.

A) four B) five C) seven


34. The cat is … .

A) sleeping B) running C)  sitting on the floor


35. The dog is … than the cat.

A) smaller B) bigger C)   biggest


36. The girl is wearing … .

A) a jacket B) jeans C) a dress


37. The baby is sitting on the … .

A) floor B) chair C) sofa


38. There are … in the family.

A) three girls B) two boys and a girl C) three boys


39. They … their pets.

A) don't love B) doesn't love C) love


40. This is a … family.

A) friendly B) bad C) unhappy



V. Write a story about the girl. Choose the correct variant



41. Her name is … .

A) Tom B) Rose C) Nick


42. She is … .

A) two B) eight C) eighteen


43. She has … .

A) short hair B) long hair C) a plait


44. She has a family. She has … .

A) no brothers B) one brothers C) two brother


45. But she has … .

A) two sister B) a sister C) no sisters


46. She goes to … .

A) school B) the institute C) work


47. Her favourite subject is … .

A) England B) English C) London


48. Her favourite sport is … .

A) ski B) skate C) tennis


49. She is wearing … .

A) a dress B) a skirt and a blouse C) jeans and a T-shirt


50. She has a … in her hand.

A) flower B) book C) schoolbag


1 — B

11 — A

21 — A

31 — B

41— B

2 — B

12 — B

22 — B

32 — A

42 — B

3 — A

13 — A

23 — A

33 — B

43 — A

4 — B

14 — B

24 — C

34 — C

44 — A

5 — С

15 — B

25 — B

35 — B

45 — B

6 — C

16 — A

26 — A

36 — C

46 — A

7 — С

17 — A

27 — B

37 — A

47 — B

8 — С

18 — C

28 — C

38 — B

48 — C

9 — A

19 — B

29 — C

39 — C

49 — C

10 — A

20 — C

30 — C

40 — A

50 — A


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2013 год

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2012 год

2 и 3 класс

4 и 5 класс

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2011 год

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4 и 5 класс

6 и 7 класс

8 и 9 класс

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2010 год

2 и 3 класс

4 и 5 класс

6 и 7 класс

8 и 9 класс

10 и 11 класс

2009 год

2 и 3 класс

4 и 5 класс

6 и 7 класс

8 и 9 класс

10 и 11 класс

2008 год

2 и 3 класс

4 и 5 класс

6 и 7 класс

8 и 9 класс

10 и 11 класс

2007 год

2 и 3 класс

4 и 5 класс

6 и 7 класс

8 и 9 класс

10 и 11 класс

British Bulldog

2015 год

3 - 4 класс

5 - 6 класс

7 - 8 класс

9 - 11 класс

2014 год

3 - 4 класс

5 - 6 класс

7 - 8 класс

9 - 11 класс

2013 год

3 - 4 класс

5 - 6 класс

7 - 8 класс

9 - 11 класс


Кенгуру 2015

2 класс

3-4 класс

5-6 класс

7-8 класс

9-10 класс

Кенгуру 2015

4 класс (выпускникам)

9 класс (выпускникам)

11 класс (выпускникам)

Кенгуру 2014

2 класс

3 - 4 класс

5 - 6 класс

7 - 8 класс

9 - 10 класс

Кенгуру 2013

2 класс

3-4 класс

5-6 класс

7-8 класс

9-10 класс

Золотое руно

2016 год

3-4 класс

5-6 класс

7-8 класс

9-11 класс

2015 год

3-4 класс

5-6 класс

7-8 класс

9-11 класс

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